Gamification In Mobile Apps

What Is Gamification in Mobile Apps?

Gamification is the process of incorporating gaming aspects into your mobile app. It can be used to engage and focus people on their goals while optimising for crucial KPIs such as retention rate, sessions, churn, return on ad spend (ROAS), and overall user experience.

How Do You Gamify Mobile Apps?

There are several gamification concepts for apps that might assist you in reaching your objectives. Here are five popular gamification elements for increasing retention and creating a fun and rewarding user experience.

  • Progress display
    Whether you use a points system or in-app badges to reward users, incorporating a progress display is a smart way to keep users interested and motivated. For educational apps, this may include measuring how much time they spent learning and how well they performed on quizzes. A user’s progress display in a fitness app might contain run times, calorie counts, and the number of sessions done per week.
  • User rewards
    Users can be kept by rewarding them for their in-app behaviour. Incentivizing users to take specific actions with real rewards can enhance session length and retention, producing a win-win situation for both you and your users. The type of rewards you give your users will be determined by the nature of your app.
  • User rewards
    Users can be kept by rewarding them for their in-app behaviour. Incentivizing users to take specific actions with real rewards can enhance session length and retention, producing a win-win situation for both you and your users. The type of rewards you give your users will be determined by the nature of your app.
  • Quizzes
    You can incorporate quizzes into your mobile app to allow users to test their knowledge and review pertinent information. One benefit of incorporating quizzes in your mobile app is that they are easily shared. Users may want to post their results on social media to encourage others to download your app and give it a try. Quizzes are also useful for people who desire to improve over time.
  • Leaderboards
    In addition to quizzes and point-based systems that can inspire your users, user leaderboards can provide a competitive element. Depending on the nature of your product, this might be customer-wide leaderboards or leaderboards that just highlight the achievements of a user’s friends and relatives. This allows users to climb a leaderboard while also adding a social component to your mobile app.
  • Badges
    After completing particular activities and milestones, you may reward users with in-app medals that appear on their profile. This is a clever technique to acknowledge a user’s accomplishments and provide them with exclusive prizes for their activities. Badges can also encourage users to set more ambitious goals. You may take this a step further by providing people with certain badges with special materials and features.

How Do You Gamify Mobile Apps?

What Is the Importance of Gamification in Applications?

Gamification can provide a wide range of benefits. Let’s look at some of the most common:

  • Enhances user retention. The usage of gamification improves the user experience. It is an effective tool for engaging them and encouraging regular app usage.
  • User acquisition is increased by word of mouth and social sharing.
  • Implementation is rather inexpensive.
  • Improves brand recognition and loyalty. It keeps users interested in the company by providing a great app experience, and it increases app and brand adoption in general.
  • Contributes to the user’s sense of development and accomplishment.
  • Facilitates the collection of accurate user data, providing organisations with high-quality insights.

Why Should You Consider Gamifying Your Mobile Apps?

It increases mobile app user retention and engagement.
Tasks, rewards, and leaderboards will push them to come back more often. And since it provides a better user experience, users will stick around more.

It eases the onboarding process of users.
Improving user experience during onboarding can easily be achieved with gamification elements. You can show how your app works with simple tasks and rewards. In this way, your users learn your app’s features quicker and better so they can use it more.

It is a great contributor to your mobile user acquisition efforts.
Gamification is a great way to increase your organic traffic. A better user experience means more users. Simply because people will talk about your app if they are happy with it. Moreover, gamification elements such as adding friends, challenges, rewards, and leaderboards are another huge reason for users to speak about your app in their social circle. They will want to share their experience, achievements, and badges with their friends and also want to challenge and compete with them.

Duolingo – A Good Example of Gamification in a Mobile App

Duolingo is an app that helps people practise their language skills. Tracking progress is front-and-centre on the home page, where you can see your progress and strength on each language skill. Because regular practice is so important, it encourages daily usage by lowering your strength on skills you haven’t practised recently.

Users gain experience points for completing lessons and go through levels as their skills advance. They can also win virtual currency to spend in a virtual shop. Duolingo enables users to set goals and provides reminders through daily push notifications.

Highly-customised regular email reminders are sent with suggestions to encourage continued use. There is also a social leaderboard, so users can compare their progress to others. The combination of all of these gamification tools makes for a highly engaging and very sticky app.

At ERS IT Solutions we provide Mobile App Development services which we can tailor to specific client needs whether it’s a consumer-facing app or a game-changing enterprise-class solution, our Team of app developers oversee the whole mobile app development process, from design to delivery and continuous maintenance.

Gamification In Mobile Apps